Viagreen Capsules




Viagreen Capsules Pakistan

Viagreen Capsules Pakistan. To increase low libido in male, Viagreen is the best herbal medicine available in the market. The medicine is proven to provide positive results in a short amount of time while keeping you safe from the side effects. All this come in a very soothing and cost-effective price. We have pioneered in the treatment of male and female sexual issues and this medicine is open to all capsule that works for male sex drive in the most effective and efficient way. How it does it, check it further.

Male sex drive and low libido issue:

The male sexual drive is a term used to indicate the urge of sex in a man. If differs from age to age, situation to situation. The things become problematic when the male is not able to find the stimulation and sensation in him. The things become creepy and frustrating when the man fails to achieve the sexual high. As sex is also related to the peace of mind and relations, an unbalanced sexual life affects negatively on the general life.

When a male fails to find the urge of sex or gets dull and weak erections, or fails to find the spark and passion, then it happens due to low libido issue. In such a case, he needs to get the right sex drive booster to ensure the proper and exact cure of the issue.

The main causes of low libido in male:

Low libido in a male can be caused by a physical condition, emotional problems, Alcoholism, Abuse of drugs, Obesity, Lack of Sleep, etc. The Psychological causes are Depression, Stress, and overwork, Exhaustion, Serious relationship problems with your partner and many other causes influence the low libido in men.

How to increase sex drive?

Sex drive is the base power of a man. If a man loses it, he loses his relevancy. The treatment is very simple. We provide you the best available treatment in the form of  Viagreen herbal capsule.

Viagreen herbal capsule with vital nutrients and minerals which increase vitality levels in the body and also stimulates organs and tissues of the penis organ. As soon as these supplements get ingested by all parts and organs of the body, male gets higher muscle mass, muscle endurance and stamina. These benefits keep him enthusiastic and full of life to appreciate his love life with passion.

The ability of lovemaking enhances and sexual problems get resolved by these powerful pills which increase low libido. It also increases the capacity of the male organ to hold the feeling of ejaculation much longer while sex activity. Besides enhancing low libido in men, it also serves to balance the testosterone keeping at normal range that is essential in the male body for the reproductive system.
These sex drive pills for men helps to bring confidence and ecstasy back in the bedroom. The medicine treats erectile dysfunction, less yield of semen, short lasting erections. Pills when utilized, enhances strength and boost libido in men as well as allows strengthening of the weak penile organ.

Quantity and Course Duration:-

Viagreen Capsule trial pack comes with 20 capsules per bottle for 10 days. If you want to increase sex drive permanently, use this capsule hardly 2-months continuously with confidence. The capsule will rejuvenate your sexual vigor and give you the long-lasting benefits.


The standard dosage is two capsules a day. One in the morning, one in the night. We recommend you to first consult our specialist before going for the consumption.


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